Stress Myths and Truths
Believe it or not, stress gets a bad rap! Stress happens when we feel a tension between what is and the way we want things to be. True, overwhelming or unresolved stress makes life unpleasant, and is bad even for our physical health. However, not all stress is bad! Read on for what’s true and what is NOT true about stress.
All stress is bad: MYTH
Some stress, like losing a job or a loved one, is clearly “bad” stress. However, some stress is helpful. Ever feel nervous before meeting a new challenge—a test, a job interview, speaking in public? This kind of stress can be “good” stress. We want to do well, and “good” stress can motivate us to try harder, prepare better, and meet new challenges. It can motivate you, or your child, to find new capabilities and develop new skills.
Stress should be avoided: TRUTH, AND MYTH
First, stress is a part of life, and to some degree CAN’T be avoided. Besides, if we avoid all stress, we avoid the “good stress,” the kind of stress that helps us grow and become more capable. However, we all get into habits that can add unnecessary stress to our lives. Are you doing too much? Do you procrastinate? Do you need to get organized? Think about one place in your life that can reduce stress, and give it a try. Help your child to do the same.
You are a victim of stress that comes your way: MYTH
No doubt, sometimes life throws overwhelming stressors at us. Or just too many. However, the good news is that stress can be MANAGED. In the next few months we will be thinking about how you, and your child, can manage the stress that life throws your way. In the meantime think about: what calms you? What brings you joy? Find things that you can do for you or your child that reminds you that when stress happens, You Got This!
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More about “good” and “bad” stress, why we get overwhelmed, and how to help ourselves and our kids “bounce back” to better health and wellness.